For Students


Harvard Handbook for Students
The Handbook for Students outlines the standards for the Harvard community. Students are encouraged to review the section on Academic Dishonesty.

Harvard Guide to Using Sources
This online guide created by the Harvard College Writing Program is a required text for freshmen in Expository Writing. It is useful for students at any stage of writing. Students should pay particular attention to the sections on Integrating Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism.

Copyright and Fair Use: A Guide for the Harvard Community 

Harvard College Writing Program
The Writing Program runs the courses in Expository Writing that all Harvard undergraduates are required to take. They offer a wealth of resources about writing generally, as well as specific guides, workshops and tutoring.

Academic Resource Center
The Academic Resource Center offers a variety of resources for students' academic development and also houses the Peer Tutoring program.

Student Academic Integrity Fellows (SAIF)
Academic Integrity ambassadors who will explain the Honor Code to groups across campus. SAIFs will also act as peer supporters for individual students meeting with the Honor Council to address a potential academic integrity violation. 

Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct (OAISC)
The office that houses both the Administrative Board and Honor Council. These bodies work towards incorporating a culture of integrity on campus by providing resources to the community and processing reports of disciplinary and academic integrity violations, respectively. 

The Honor Council 

Resources from Harvard

Resources from Other Institutions 

Frequently Asked Questions